Why biophilic office design should be part of your return-to-the-workplace strategy (Part 2)


Why biophilic office design should be part of your return-to-the-workplace strategy (Part 2)


Welcome back for the second in our two-part series on why biophilic office design should form part of your return-to-the-workplace strategy.

Let’s recap.

In part one, we explained the meaning of the term biophilia, which is used to describe humans’ deep love of nature and innate connection to its processes.

We also discussed the concept of biophilic design as a means of allowing us to experience the benefits of being close to nature in our increasingly urban and indoor culture by incorporating it into the built environment.

Finally, we explored the business case for adding biophilic design elements into the workplace by looking at the challenges employers are facing as a result of the pandemic’s negative effect on staff wellbeing.

Be sure to check out part one if you missed it.

Now it’s time to delve deeper into the benefits of biophilic office design.

Read on to discover why nature in the workplace is not simply a nice-to-have, but a great way for employers to combat absenteeism, loss of focus, low mood and poor health among staff.


Five big benefits of biophilic office design

1. Talent acquisition and staff retention

After a year of upheaval and uncertainty, ensuring success by nurturing a team of top talent will be high up on many business’ post-COVID agenda.

The workplace itself is one of the biggest tools at an employer’s disposal when it comes to attracting and retaining staff.

In fact, according to findings from Human Spaces’ global study, which surveyed 7600 office workers in 16 countries, one-third (33%) of office workers say that the design of an office would affect their decision to work there.1

It’s therefore vital for employers to demonstrate their commitment to their peoples’ wellbeing through their office design.

No doubt, a vibrant space with plenty of natural light and biophilic design elements such as greenery and mood-boosting natural textures and tones will prove a much more attractive option for top candidates than a lifeless, grey box.

2. Improved mood

Even once they can safely return to the workplace, staff may still be feeling the negative impact that the pandemic has had on their mental health.

Findings from Human Spaces’ study suggest that biophilic design is an effective way for employers to help their people to shake off their low mood.

When asked how they feel when entering the office, staff with access to internal green space in their workplace were more likely to feel happy and inspired than those without.

Those who benefited from internal greenery were also slightly less likely to feel anxious and bored.2

The study also found that colours associated with nature are a fantastic mood booster. In fact, two-thirds (67%) of office workers said they felt happy when walking into bright office spaces accented with green, yellow or blue.

3. Improved physical health

Staff absence due to sickness has always constituted a significant loss of income for many businesses.

Add a global pandemic into the mix and it’s never been so important for employers to do all they can to protect the health and wellbeing of their staff.

Biophilic design offers significant benefits in this respect. Research carried out at Cornell University revealed that workers in offices with plenty of natural light reported a 51% drop in the incidence of eyestrain, a 63% drop in headaches and a 56% reduction in drowsiness.3

But natural light isn’t the only biophilic design element with serious health benefits.

As well as brightening up the place, adding plants into the office environment helps to improve air quality thanks to their natural ability to absorb pollutants, toxins and airborne bacteria.

Not only that, they also put moisture back into the air, helping to reduce the risk of viruses and respiratory problems such as asthma, which are often caused by breathing dry air.

This is a huge plus considering 40% of all sickness absence is caused by indoor air pollution and poor air quality.4

4. Improved focus

Research shows that workplaces that incorporate natural elements into their design are more effective at staving off mental fatigue than those that don’t.5

This is because viewing nature helps us to tap into a part of our brain that allows us to focus on tasks in a more effortless way that is thought to restore, rather than deplete, our mental capacity.

Making us less likely to feel stressed and burnt out when carrying out demanding tasks.

5. Increased productivity

After such a difficult year, businesses will be looking to maximise staff productivity to ensure a speedy financial recovery.

Studies have shown that there is a link between the presence of nature in the workplace and staff productivity.

University researchers in Cardiff for example discovered that those who work in offices with greenery saw a 15% rise in productivity over a three-month period, in comparison to those working with no natural elements in their space.6

One Harvard study also found that 70% of employees believe that access to natural light and views onto nature improve their work performance.7

Of course, there are a wide range of factors such as personality, mental wellbeing and non-work-related issues that affect employee productivity. These are unique to every individual and therefore tricky for employers to address all at once.8


Biophilic design however taps into a universal and innate connection to nature that humans share and experience as a result of our evolution. Making it the closest thing to a one-size-fits-all approach to improving wellbeing and productivity in the workplace.

There really is something for everyone.

Now that you’ve taken a closer look at some of the clear business benefits of biophilic design, we hope you’re as excited to bring some nature into your space as we are.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help, why not check out our range of workplace consultancy and office design and build services.

Or give us a call on +44 (0) 20 7016 0200.



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